Weekly Announcements, February 7

ALTAR GUILD members are asked to help with the veiling of the crosses today following the second service.

SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY Today the Food Bank will be collecting canned soup for Souper Bowl Sunday. This is an annual event that really helps us fill the pantry. Any kind of soup is good. Thank you for all your support of the Food Bank.

A SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER will be held from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. this week… Pancakes, sausage, fruit, and beverages will be served. Proceeds from the free will offering will go to the Operating Fund. Please sign the poster in the narthex so we will know how much food to purchase. Join us and bring your friends!

LUNCH BUNCH will be dining at Joanna’s Family Restaurant at 10366 Leo Road, this Tuesday, at noon, followed by dessert at the home of Marilyn McClure. At that time, tentative plans will be made for the remainder of the year.

A VESTRY RETREAT will be held from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. this Friday and from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Saturday.

ASH WEDNESDAY with the liturgies, with the imposition of ashes, will be held at Noon and 7:00 p.m. this week. The ashes remind us of our brokenness, sins and mortality. They are placed on our foreheads in the shape of a cross to remind us of the forgiveness granted us through the suffering and death of Christ and the gift of eternal life we have received through faith in Him as our Savior.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS are held at 6:00 p.m. each Friday evening during Lent. Walk with Jesus down the road to Calvary on The Way of the Cross, a powerful devotional liturgy that follows Jesus through His passion and death. At each station a meditation, versicle, response and prayer is read.

HELP IS NEEDED: The Fort Wayne Rescue Mission has asked for help one night a month for the next five months. It is concerning serving dinner. The serving time is from 4:30-5:30. No other preparations are necessary, just to be there. This is another wonderful opportunity for us to reach out in our community. Please speak to or call Dave Krocker 739-8430, for any questions.

WOMEN’S STUDY AND FELLOWSHIP will meet at 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. on Thursday February 18, at the home of Marilyn Rafter. This group is open to any woman interested in sharing their love for Jesus through study and discussion. Twelve Apostolic Women, based on the woman in the lives of the Apostles will be our first book this year. Please call, Marilyn Rafter 437-6146 or Marilyn McClure 492-1724.

FORWARD DAY BY DAY devotional booklets for February through April are available in the narthex. Please take one for your personal or family devotion and another to give to a friend.

ATTENDANCE last Sunday was 70.

REMEMBER IN PRAYER Chase Berry, Bob Beaty, Mary Brooks, Bonnie Camp, Donna Daniel, John and Phyllis Diver Dick Donnelly, Susie Foley, Ian Fox, Denise Frede, Father Mike Fulk, Anne Gaffney, Tammy Gillig, Glen Grate, Hilda Heim, Shirley Johnson, Evelyn Jones, Patricia Kerlin, Larry Link, Tom and June Lorenzen, Pat MacWhorter, Don Mefford, Alicia McLimans, Jo McMahan, Catherine Michael Jim Morris, Carol Newell, Derek Palmer, Larry Pellateur, Rev. Sandy Ritchie, Tara Ruff, Tom Shadid, George Shamp, Cindy Spice, Rick Spice, Wesley Stath-Tracy, Carolyn Townsend, Tom Townsend.

Military: Kaylee Collins, Sean Collins, Daxton Demorest, Jeremy Faux, Dylan Frick, Adam Johns, Eric Lamberty, Ty Sumner

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