
Saint Alban’s has many outreach projects grounded in Christ’s love:

  1. Matthew 25.  Every loose quarter that is put in the alms plate on Sunday goes to a ministry here in Fort Wayne called Matthew 25.  Matthew 25 is a health/dental clinic that assists many who otherwise could not acquire such services.
  2. Rescue Mission. The men’s group gather once a month to serve dinner at the Rescue Mission. The mission is a shelter and temporary home for the homeless. There are short and long term programs for those recovering from addictions. We also provide monetary support several times a year.
  3. Hope for His Children Orphanage in Honduras. We send financial support for the care and education of orphaned and abused children, we have had two parishioners visit on mission trip.
  4. Medina Village School in Sierra Leone, West Africa. We  provide financial support several times a year special projects such as , a well for clean water, lighting, and a clinic. we have committed to support one student for a year. The school was started by a resident and teacher of Fort Wayne who is from Medina Village.
  5. Camp New Happenings.   We offer a diocesan camp for children of incarcerated parents.  We provide funds and our priest Dan Layden is the coordinator and chaplain.
  6. Outreach Envelopes.  There are envelopes in the narthex for contributions to our Outreach Fund.

Needless to say we here at Saint Alban’s do many things to help spread God’s love.

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